Sunday, November 30, 2008

Learn the abundance mind set and sponsor effortlessly

By John Wallen

A great company, a great product, and the best marketing tools have proven themselves to be a very important part for any marketers success. When taken good care of, all these tools will no doubt keep performing as expected .

When I made the decision to quit worrying about my products pricing and all of the competition, even every feature no matter how good it was. My business started growing at a much faster rate. I learned my business was about marketing and promoting. Not about people joining my opportunity, or about selling my product.

When I chose not to worry anymore about my products price point, all the great features, and even the competition. I had astonishing success! A light when on in my head, and I realized my business wasn't about all of that, it was about promoting. Marketing was my business.

Does that make any sense to you? You see this is an industry of business ownership pursued by people who have never been business owners. For the most part, the disciplines and skills necessary in network marketing are completely foreign to them.

If your being put in a position you've never been before, your outside of your comfort zone. Investing time and money in a business for the first time will give you a overwhelming desire to achieve, mixed with another emotion of failure. It's called sink or swim emotion, and that's what your running your business on.

These emotions develop because we all fear poverty. This mind set is al to familiar in the work at home industry. Everyone just getting started has a ton of enthusiasm, than when challenging things come their way, that emotion quickly fades. This is how so many fail in their new business.

I failed constantly when I first got going, but I was also learning on a daily basis. I realized my business was going no where because I let my emotions get involved. Lucky I have a strong desire to keep pushing past the pain, because it really did pay off.

Real professionals feel no differently about success and failure. But to them it's just a part of doing everyday business and treat it as such because they live in a mind state of abundance. And this is what everyone that wants to succeed in their network business needs to learn. - 16069

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