Monday, December 15, 2008

Choosing New Network Marketing Companies - The Internet Factor!

By Kylon Trower

I can't even count the new Network Marketing companies I encounter everyday. Most people don't have time to do ample research on these companies and jump in blind and stand to lose their shirts. Others are being faced with old school methods and strategies (i.e. cold calling, harassing friends buying expensive leads)to market these businesses that lack effectiveness and efficiency.

Look if you are really ready to fire your boss and leave your job then you have better be using new school marketing approaches to business building and the internet had better be on the top of that list. If not, then your are looking at long road to Network Marketing success.

I can tell you this without fail, without a substantial online presence, success is possible but much more difficult. Don;t put your self in a place where you are swimming upstream. The entire world is either online or on their way.

Now I'm sure you have looked at some new Network Marketing Companies that look very appealing to you. I recommend you really take a closer look at what its really going to take (the numbers) to see how long and how realistic is it for you to replace your current income.

After seventeen years in the industry, I have seen many compensation plans, matrices, products and services and the marketplace has changed drastically. Now twenty year old internet whiz kids are making five and six figure monthly incomes using the internet and they are literally taking over the industry in droves.

Now as far as the internet and new Network Marketing companies, I believe there are some companies that have streamlined their sales and marketing processes specifically for the internet savvy distributor and consumer. These are the companies you want to look long and hard at because they are the ones that can take you to the top in record time.

On the other hand, certain companies don't allow the use of the internet to promote any of their products or services. With technology at your fingertips, you cannot afford to forgo the leverage and power the internet provides while building your business. Especially when you're working your business part time you need to harness all the leverage you can get.

As you may imagine, there are also some new Network Marketing companies that have an online presence but its so inadequately put together it only serves as a deterrent of for potential clients and prospects. This can be the worse because usually these companies are in flux between being a traditional Network Marketing Company and a more sophisticated web based company and rarely get either right. At the end of the day, you want a fast paced, forward thinking company with a solid product that can start putting money in your coffers sooner than later. - 16069

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