Monday, December 15, 2008

Legitimate Work At Home Opportunities - How To Find Them!

By Kylon Trower

Jumping into just any home business without first doing your due diligence to find legitimate work at home opportunities could prove to be a very costly proposition. People have lost millions of dollars collectively because they simply didn't know how to go about finding what they were really looking for.

Now I can't provide all the assistance you'll need in this short article, but I can give you a short list of questions that any reputable and trustworthy home business operator should be able to answer in a manner that would NOT cause you to squirm in your seat as you listened to their answers. This doesn't mean that every silver tongued salesperson on the other end of the line makes for a good partner, but it should help you discern what are clearly scams and should stayed away from.

1. What are your companies primary product(s) or service offerings?

2. Will I be eligible to receive free training when I join? Explain.

3. What is your experience with the company been?

4. Are you currently working this business full or part time?

5. Without giving me a guarantee of earnings, what is a realistic expectation of earnings based on your training system and past performance?

6. What parts of the business are more arduous or difficult that I may encounter?

7. What kind of track record does the companies management team have?

8. When and how I get paid and for what activities?

9. Do you recommend I speak with anyone else before I get started? Note: If a person blatantly answers "No" to this question it should raise a flag.

10. What outside information, websites, or literature should I review do find out more about he company?

Of course this isn't the "BE ALL, END ALL" list of questions but it will definitely help you determine what your future may look like with any given company. Use discretion and feel out the person you are talking to as you will be able to gauge their authenticity. There are legitimate work at home opportunities waiting for you right now but make sure you know what questions to ask. For information about me and how I help home business owners get stared visit my website for details. - 16069

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