Monday, December 1, 2008

How Much Do You Really Know About the Venereal Wart?

By Rashel Dan

A wart can grow on any part of your body. The most common type grow on the hands and feet and appear like hard blisters. It is a common skin infection that is caused by a viral infection called the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

There are many types of warts but the most dangerous of all is the venereal wart. The venereal wart, or the genital wart, is found in the most sensitive part of the body. It is the most easily recognized sign of venereal Human Papillomavirus infection. It infects both men and women, often through sexual contact. Read on and know more about this itchy, irritating type of wart, so you can look out for it, and keep yourself aware about the venereal wart.

Caused by some sub-types or viral strains of HPV, the venereal wart is transmitted through direct sexual intercourse with an infected partner. It is spread through direct contact during coital, anal sex, or oral sex with an infected partner. You don't need to have a scratch or an open wound to catch the venereal wart; coming in contact with the infected part of your partner can easily do the job.

The venereal wart often occurs in clusters, and is found in and around the vaginal or penis area. The venereal wart comes in two shapes: It can either be very tiny and shaped like blisters, or grow into very large masses resembling cauliflower. In women, the venereal tumor can occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, and/ or around the anus. In men, but the venereal wart symptoms may be less obvious. When the venereal wart is present in men, it may be seen on the tip of the penis, on the shaft, and on the scrotum, or around the anus.

There is no easy way around getting rid of venereal wart. Here are the types of venereal wart treatment available for people with this type of wart infection:

- Medical treatment: The most common medication include Imiquimod, and Podophyllin and Podofilox. Each of these venereal wart medication has specific application instructions so be sure to have yourself checked by your for a correct diagnosis.

- Treating it Surgically: Surgical treatment can involve either of the two types: Freezing the warts to destroy the infected cells, or cauterizing, or burning them off. Cryosurgery freezes the area affected by the venereal wart. Electric, or laser cauterization, and laser treatment, involve cauterizing or burning off the venereal wart and killing the presence of the virus around the affected area.

Doctors' recommendation on the treatment would mostly depend on the size of your wart. A small venereal wart may be removed either through medication, or by freezing (as in cryosurgery, using supercooled solution). Larger masses of venereal wart may be subjected to burning or cauterization (be it electrocautery or chemical cautery), or laser treatment. And then, there are warts that have not responded to other treatment. When this happens, one of the options doctors will be presenting to you is surgical excision, or the physical removal of the wart. In severe cases, the venereal wart may simply be a sign of the more serious condition. Make an appointment to see your doctor when you notice you have venereal wart. Your doctor may be able to determine whether you have venereal wart infection from the Human Papillomavirus infection, or if the warts are symptoms for something else.

Once your venereal wart has cleared and the affected area is clean, consult your physician on how you may be able to rid yourself of the Human Papillomavirus. And this may depend on how strong your immune system is. If you are in healthy condition, not suffering from illness or stress, you may be able to fight off the virus even faster. The average healing period is between eight to fourteen months.

Always remember: You can catch venereal wart simply by coming in coital, anal or oral sexual contact. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex either; merely touching the skin of your sexual partner is for a venereal wart infection. Keep your body clean and dry always, especially your sensitive area. A wet and moist environment is very ideal for venereal wart growth, take regular showers and dry off completely. The key to ridding your venereal wart is to undergo treatment and maintain your good health. - 16069

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