Monday, December 1, 2008

Wearing Designer Costume Jewelry

By Erwin Rostuzing

Owning exquisite designer costume jewelry is surely every woman's dream. As it is not possible to procure the pure jewels and diamonds to complement every type of outfit, possessing a wide range of costume jewelry gives her the pleasure of dressing up as desired, while also fulfilling her desire to wear jewelry of her choice. This makes it all the more important that you choose your costume designer jewelry carefully, after due consideration to various factors.

The Designers' Range

The vast variety of designer jewelry available in the market offers a varied choice to the customers to choose from. In accordance with your own individual tastes and requirements, you can opt for these pieces of costume jewelry made with various materials. These include plastics, metal, glass and stones that come in a series of shapes, sizes as well as textures. Besides, the variety of accessories available in designer costume jewelry is also quite impressive. You can choose from the vast variety of necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings, neck ropes, belly belts, brooches and many more.

Nowadays, an increasing number of costume jewelry designers are offering innovative designs to their customers. This serves a dual purpose, wherein the jeweler is able to add to his profile, while the customer gets to wear a vast variety, breaking away from the few choices available as per the conventional designs.

The History

It was in the late 1960s and early 1970s that most of the well-known costume jewelry designers made their mark in the industry. The trend started with two of the most famous designers, namely Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel and Kenneth Jay Lane. Each of these experts designers are credited with the feat of impacting the industry in the 20th century, offering some of the finest and most exclusive pieces of designer costume jewelry. In fact, the Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel was actually featured in the TIME magazine as one of the most influential women.

Meanwhile, Kenneth Jay Lane got a well-deserved print space in Vanity Fair, mainly owing to his extensive German clientele, including the likes of Duchess of Windsor, Elizabeth Taylor, Barbara Bush and Diana Vreeland.

Wearing designer costume jewelry is as much an art as it is to design these. You need to be careful of how you match them with your dress. Anything too flashy will overshadow your jewelry and hence not give you the desired appearance. On the other hand, wearing something too ordinary would make the jewelry sound a plain misfit in the overall attire. - 16069

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