There are many network marketing sponsors out there handing out the antiquated advice of the 90s. Their advice is creating many frustrated home business owners. It is really not their fault. They dont know any better. However, you have to change the way you think before you will stop struggling with your business.
You see, times have changed and there is a much better way of getting your business off the ground and growing your down-line. You can actually run it in a way that prospects will be calling you to come and join your MLM business. Those who are still chasing down their prospects and trying to convince them to join the business are going to be completely obliterated by marketers who bring value to their networks and teams.
I know these struggles intimately as I lived this life for almost 6 years before I found a better way to build my business. I never really enjoyed hauling products from house to house hoping to find either a new customer or distributor. Home parties really became a drag. Forget about prospecting the family. The humiliating comments I had to bear became too much.
Once I reached the point of desperation, I went in search of a better way; and I found one. I am going to share with you what I have found to be a better way of growing my network marketing business. It is possible; in fact it is happening everyday all around. The top earners in this industry are creating their network of teams without cold-calling, prospecting, or asking family and friends to join their organizations. They have completely thrown away the old school way of doing business.
As you change the way you think about your business, make sure you are involved in a quality program. It has to hit your passion and purpose. Remember you will be living this business on a daily basis. You want it to be something you LOVE. Every home business has some kind of community you can plug into to gain insights and support. Make sure you become a major player in the community from the beginning.
Lets say you are already involved in a home business. Are you active in the community? Are you a leader? Chances are you are not if you are reading this article. Plug yourself into the leadership role today. Take your talents and the values you have to offer share them with your up-line and your down-line.
The most bizarre thing I am going to tell you to do is stop promoting your primary business. Find a marketing system that will teach you how to brand yourself. A quality program will provide you with all of the training and ongoing support you will need to achieve your business goals.
The real question is What are you bringing to the table? What value will you share with your new team members? This is what you want to market. What you want to do is brand yourself by sharing all of the valuable information that you bring to the table. The brand that you are selling is YOU.
Paying for leads, cold calling and prospecting your family and friends to grow your organization is an antiquated system that does not work as well as it used to in the age of technology. Bring value to the market, brand yourself, and stop struggling. - 16069
You see, times have changed and there is a much better way of getting your business off the ground and growing your down-line. You can actually run it in a way that prospects will be calling you to come and join your MLM business. Those who are still chasing down their prospects and trying to convince them to join the business are going to be completely obliterated by marketers who bring value to their networks and teams.
I know these struggles intimately as I lived this life for almost 6 years before I found a better way to build my business. I never really enjoyed hauling products from house to house hoping to find either a new customer or distributor. Home parties really became a drag. Forget about prospecting the family. The humiliating comments I had to bear became too much.
Once I reached the point of desperation, I went in search of a better way; and I found one. I am going to share with you what I have found to be a better way of growing my network marketing business. It is possible; in fact it is happening everyday all around. The top earners in this industry are creating their network of teams without cold-calling, prospecting, or asking family and friends to join their organizations. They have completely thrown away the old school way of doing business.
As you change the way you think about your business, make sure you are involved in a quality program. It has to hit your passion and purpose. Remember you will be living this business on a daily basis. You want it to be something you LOVE. Every home business has some kind of community you can plug into to gain insights and support. Make sure you become a major player in the community from the beginning.
Lets say you are already involved in a home business. Are you active in the community? Are you a leader? Chances are you are not if you are reading this article. Plug yourself into the leadership role today. Take your talents and the values you have to offer share them with your up-line and your down-line.
The most bizarre thing I am going to tell you to do is stop promoting your primary business. Find a marketing system that will teach you how to brand yourself. A quality program will provide you with all of the training and ongoing support you will need to achieve your business goals.
The real question is What are you bringing to the table? What value will you share with your new team members? This is what you want to market. What you want to do is brand yourself by sharing all of the valuable information that you bring to the table. The brand that you are selling is YOU.
Paying for leads, cold calling and prospecting your family and friends to grow your organization is an antiquated system that does not work as well as it used to in the age of technology. Bring value to the market, brand yourself, and stop struggling. - 16069
About the Author:
Kerry Alayon-Babas has over 20 years of corporate and pharmaceutical experience in customer service, sales, mlm marketing and coaching. She escaped the rat race behind and is enjoying a life full of freedom and abundance. Kerry is dedicated to helping fellow marketers avoid the pitfalls of online marketing. Visit her website for free information. By awakening your passion you will create your own freedom.