Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Market America Pyramid Scheme. Is Market America a Scam?

By Mathew S. Robar

Today we will examine if Market America is a scam or not in this review.

Market America is headquartered in North Carolina and was founded in 1992 by James Ridinger. Mr Ridinger was formerly with Amway.

Market America has also made famous the ability to own a franchise without all the hassles. They call it the "unfranchise."

Market America acts as a broker. They start by finding a niche and contracting a manufacturer.

Once the product is ready, Market America will leverage their nationwide sales force to bring the product to market. Pretty cool idea actually.

So, how about the business opportunity? Market America is a network marketing company. For those unfamiliar with the concept, each business owner, or "unfranchise" owner will develop their own business by recruiting more people into the company.

You would build your business the normal network marketing way, by building a downline of people underneath you. You also have to think about bv in their comission structure.

The bv point system will determine how much you get paid out on.

The normal network marketing stigma's still apply. You will most ikely be asked to recruit your family and friends and purchase products.

Hotel meetings and product parties are also the norm in this business structure. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in, than Market America could be a good fit.

So are they a scam? No, they are a network marketing company that distributes products all over through its "unfranchise" owners.

It is not up to you to decide if you would like to work inside of that structure.

Good Luck out there! - 16069

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