Thursday, January 29, 2009

Live Luxuriously Following Lupe Fiasco's Gold Watch Lyrics

By Ferda Shinsky

While driving in your car Lupe Fiasco's song "Gold Watch" plays on the radio and you cannot help but speculate as to the song's meaning? Are the lyrics meaningless or are they more profound? Does their deeper meaning relate to a particular set of life experiences? Or do they describe how to live a life adorned in luxury and splendor?

While the answers to those questions are debatable at best and may never have a clear answer, what does have a clear answer is that the Gold Watch lyrics give us a glimpse into the class society that is ever so present in the United States of America.

The items Lupe lists in the his song are undeniably ones of luxury. Whatever your opinion is of gold chains, fancy cars, diamonds rings, and most importantly gold watches, it is clear that they symbolize status in the eyes of society.

Whether it is your brand new Omega watch, the new line of Seiko watches at your corner jewelry store, or some other gold chain or watch, it seems as though you always need the latest fashion trend to keep up in society these days.

It is certainly difficult to determine what luxury items that will maximize society's perception of you as a high status individual. Especially since what society deems to value and deem fashionable can change along with the trade winds. Nevertheless, there are ways to detect patterns in what luxury items are optimal.

A fantastic place to catch up on what items society thinks are fashionable and trendy is your local shopping mall. Although it is best to do so with some caution so that you don't end up looking like everyone else.

Rather, it is simply because a local mall provides a good showcase of every end of the spectrum out there so you can help gage what style best suits you. It is kind of the look and see approach that gives you the latest luxury styles to examine.

The next time you are sitting in your car and the "Gold Watch" song starts to play on the radio keep in mind how its lyrics can guide you in a living a life of luxury. Rather than asking questions about the song's meaning you might find yourself getting answers to what luxury items suit your style. - 16069

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