Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Tips On How To Make Money Online

By Niccolo Svengali

Here are some pointers on how to make extra money online:

- Article writing is a fine method of website or self promotion. You can also author articles for other people for money, but the most site owners will offer you is about twenty-five dollars, and often it's a lot less. Article directories allow you to include a blurb about yourself and your site to encourage people to visit it. You can also attract customers by creating an e-book and using blogs to promote same.

- If you're not au-fait with search engine marketing, it's necessary to understand how it works. You use search engines to drive traffic to your site. 80 to 95 per cent of your web sites surfers will come from search-engines, unless you've created a 'viral' product of your own, or a 'buzzing' forum or blog.

- One-way backlink building is a method to publicise your web site. Paid links allow you to get listed in internet directories that post high-ranking sites and offer links to your websites for a fee.

- Social media should not be overlooked. Social media web sites are changing the way we connect with one another. Your success or failure is determined by your methods. The most significant part of a winning social media plan is the content on your profile page. Use them to help your cause. Micro-blogging web sites can have embedded web addresses that tell customers about products. Free blog networks can assist you in building search-engine optimisation into your websites as well. There are many ways to exploit social media. Look to other media types to publicise your wares.

- If you have a site created, you need to design it. All your site needs to include is a review page about your goods with client testimonials declaring that each product works well and is worth purchasing.

- Making a web site is relatively easy, that's only half the battle. It's also important to drive surfers and learn how to sell your web site. The problem with working online is that 99 per cent of these money-making opportunities offered are a waste of time and (your) money.

- When your business is up and running, if your product isn't selling, drop it and try another. Do not hang about hoping that it will take off; the odds are it won't.

- Increase hits using keywords. You can find tons of keyword suggestion tools that give you a list of keywords on a particular topic. You can use these to draw potential customers to your landing page. Most affiliate marketing opportunities offer up to 75% commission on every sale you get for them, so they do all the hard labour, and you rake in the cash! What you are doing is being their salesman. Salesmen are usually very well remunerated, as they bring the money in.

- Be wary of web marketing scams; they can take every penny you have. Most scams seem good upfront. If you stick to associate marketing, you won't go too badly astray, unless you invest in PPC marketing to attract potential buyers, and select the wrong keywords.

- Head over to to find the latest products. Seek out a product that's popular, but make sure it's of a kind you are familiar with. Potential buyers disregard venders that know nothing about the product they're selling, which makes them more unlikely to buy it.

I hope these few handy tips will help you in your marketing enterprise. - 16069

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