Thursday, January 29, 2009

Maintenance To Prevent Unwanted Hastle on Your Sports Car

By Roman Robinson

After spending the money on a new sports car, it's important to keep up with the preventative maintenance that can save you a lot of time, money and hassle in the future. Even newer models, with stronger and better engines, can malfunction and a smart driver should always take every necessary precaution to ensure that he or she gets safely from one place to another. Based on a sports car from BMW, one of the worlds leading car manufacturers, we've compiled a list of tips that can help keep your sports car looking new and running as great as the day you bought it.

1) Check the brakes, tires, oil and steering system to make sure that everything is in order before taking your sports car for a drive. If your car begins making unusual noises or moving in an unusual way, immediately take it to a mechanic to have it checked out. Better safe than sorry.

2) The ignition system is incredibly important to a car but is often overlooked. To prevent complications, have your mechanic check the entire system, especially the spark plugs, which act as a fairly good indicator of how the engine of your car is running. The system should be checked every 30,000 miles and make sure the spark plugs are replaced at least every 100,000 miles.

3) Distributor caps and rotors are made of plastic, which deteriorates easily over time, so it's important to have them checked out regularly. Try doing this every time you get your oil changed, that way it's easy to remember.

4) There are several filters in your car, both for oil and for fuel, that should be checked every 3,000 miles. Because they act as a guard against rust and other harmful objects, a bad or overused filter could disrupt the performance of your car.

5) You should keep track of your car's mileage by calculating the amount of fuel purchased and the miles driven as shown on the odometer before and after fueling. Many newer model sports cars also have an automatic calculator that displays your cars mileage for you. If there is a sudden change in the number of miles your car can travel per gallon of gas, take your car to a mechanic immediately.

6) If, at any time, one of your cars sensor lights comes on, it's important to pull over immediately, turn the car off and call for assistance. Though the problem could be small, there is a possibility that it might not be and you may need to have the vehicle towed to a mechanic. - 16069

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