Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Successful Blogging Requires A Motivated Mind!

By Albert Hallado

Hi I'm Albert, and in case you didn't know who I was, I am a full time blogger. I earn my everyday living by blogging on my website about topics that help my subscribers follow my footsteps in becoming successful bloggers online.

One of the main problems that I have received in emails from my subscribers is, "how to stay motivated during tough times". I know during these times of uncertainty it can be tough to think about blogging and making money online. But this is exactly what I did, not more than a year ago.

I was let go not by one, but two companies and I had no incoming income to support my wife and 4 kids. There's was panic, fear and anger during those times and kid you not, I was on the verge of going mad.

Without my family, I wouldn't have enjoyed the success that I now am reaping. I say this not to toot my own horn, but as a voice of encouragement for those who find themselves in a similar position that I was not more than a year ago.

Yes, even now when times are bleak in the world, even with negativity swirling around in every corner this great world, my family and I have managed to develop a simple plan on keeping focus and being consistent by blogging just two times a week.

You see, there really was no option for me. I got laid off from a very well paying job and many of the jobs that I had initially applied for, wanted me to work for well under what I was able to afford. My wife Darcie, wanted to help out and get a job, but we both figured that it would cost much more in day care fees, than anything that she could get from any part time job.

Yes, life is tough and it's not always sunshine and rainbows. People are losing their jobs at a high rate never seen since the great depression. But what I am about to say, may change your life. It did for me and my journey has just began.

By doing so, it makes creating and developing your blogging efforts all the more satisfying and more fun when the fruits of your labor starts to show. By controlling your mind and exercising it to become more focused, you will block out the negativity and other things that you have no control over.

Remember, it requires patience and consistency so don't give up. Use whatever it is that motivates you, whether that is your kids, your family, your faith to help propel your online business to the next level.

I also think of good thoughts or great memories and just be positive with the situation, try avoiding negativity around you this can only make it worse, just keep your head up and think that tomorrow is a new day and it will be a good one.

Folks I hope this will help some of you that needs motivation or to someone that can use encouragement in these tough times.

To your success in 2009! - 16069

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