Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bay Area Jobs: Matching Employers and Employees

By Alex Wu

So you are looking for a job. Moving to the Bay area? Do you already live there? Well the classified ads are the place for you to look for work. Personally I would look at all of the different online employment websites. You will find a wider range of offerings and you can also post your resume for employers who are looking for an employee.

There is a wealth of job opportunities offered in the Bay Area if you are qualified for them. There are many websites devoted to just Bay Area employment. Many of these websites offer the employee a place to post their resume and any web links to website portfolios.

These websites offer employers a place to post an ad, or look over posted resumes by persons who are already looking for employment in your area, and you can see their experience and qualifications. It will also reach out to someone that will be moving to the bay area, so you reach a wider audience with your employment ad.

Do not waste your time or an employer's time by applying to jobs you are not qualified for, the rejection is not good for anyone. If you are not good at interviews look into some free job training. Temp places are a good place to start because they can often lead to permanent employment for you down the road.

As an employer you have a wide range of areas that you can post an employment ad to on the Internet. You can also search through Resumes that are posted by people looking to work in your field. You may find a great match there.

An employer should post all of the requirements, a short job description, and years experience needed to get hired for the job. People who do not meet your requirements will not apply and that will help you to not have as many applications to go through. You should post the wage range and whether you offer benefits or not, this may help you to gain better employees.

The point is to match an employer with a qualified employee. Once the match is made the particulars can be discussed. The Internet is a great way for an employer and employee to find out about each other. There is a wider range of job postings and employees needing jobs.

As an employer, before you place an ad, look though the already posted resumes in your industry category. You may find a good match without having to place an ad. These people are looking for work in your job category, and you can tell from the resume if they meet your requirements. The reason for these services online is to match up an employer and employee. - 16069

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