Thursday, January 1, 2009

Legitimate Business Opportunities: 3 Lessons Learned

By Asem Eltaher

Does it not sound really great to make serious money online by just working in your pajama from the comfort of your home? Are you not interested to work online only few hours per week doing very easy jobs? This is the way you can spend the whole free time doing your favorable things with no miserable boss who is watching you and waiting for the chance to overload you with the next tasks? Do not worry, I am there for you to teach you a step by step plan to earn drive flood of targeted customers to your website and show you how to earn $5,000 in your first day.

If an online business opportunity starts like as I mentioned above, then it is not amazing any more how many people are being scammed every day by internet frauds. They usually start by stressing on your pain, focusing on the classical problems of your 9-5 job to fire your emotions

I spent 1 year working very serious hoping to find serious work at home jobs and after loosing few thousands of dollars buying these non-worthy programs, I can frankly tell you that around 90% of these get rich quick programs are scams and they would never deliver what they promise.

Lesson (1): Internet Scams Can Really Scam You. Why?

The first reason is that get rich quick schemes do good job to look like real legitimate business opportunities. They present them selves in the way it meets your needs to make serious money on the internet. To check it, simply test them. A good rule of thumb is not only to hear from them, but also to hear from others through popular internet marketing forums who tried this program.

Secondly, internet frauds work on pushing your buttons to produce the automatic response they want. It is nothing to do with you personally; it is to do with the way individuals in society are wired up emotionally and socially. To stop internet scammers manipulating you into their traps, it can be useful to know how to prevent the automatic response they expect. A wise idea is never to buy the first business opportunity you find even if you believe it can make you millions of $$$.

Lesson (2): Is it one of the Legitimate Business Opportunities?

As I started building my online business, I followed all these great promises by some money making programs in the hope that I will finally be able to be rich online but it was not the case and they left me again disappointed. So, to avoid such a situation here is a short list of all things that these scam websites share:

Scam websites do not stand alone but they usually link to other websites asking for more money.

Scam websites are not periodically updated and usually have some broken links in their websites.

Play the role of a new coming skeptic customer and they would probably ignore your email. They simply need just your money.

No refunds: Play the role of an unsatisfied customer asking for his money back and see!

They do not have affiliate programs at widely accepted networks like clickbank.

Lesson (3): Legitimate Business Opportunities; Facts to Consider.

A legit work at home business does not lead to a commitment that you would earn thousands on the day or the week you started working.

To succeed in legitimate business opportunities, take an action and plan your action. Otherwise, you would never earn thousands just by hoping that it would happen.

In the beginning stage of serious part time home jobs, you have to work hard and learn a lot of things. It is not a question of few minutes per day as every scam promises.

Legitimate business opportunities would not help you to quit your job in 30 days or to make a full time income in the coming few days.

Do not worry! You can still quit your hard 9-5 job and it is of course possible to achieve a full time income by having an online business opportunity in case it is a serious one. To find it out, check the following points:

1. Contact them as a new coming customer asking few questions to see how serious and fast they are.

2. Refunding is a key point to decide if they are really serious. Check their process to pay your money back in case you are not happy with their money making program.

3. Never forget to check others feedback about this program using popular online business forums and blogs. - 16069

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