Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Make Money Online - Favourite Method for Generating Online Income

By Danny Smartling

For obvious reasons many online marketers keep their most successful methods for making money online to themselves. Although I'm also guilty of this to a certain extent I also get great satisfaction from helping others to succeed. So I'm now going to reveal one of the best methods that I know of for generating income online.

One of the things that separates this method from other make money online techniques it just how easy it is to follow. If you follow these instructions word for word then you literally can't fail. Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? Well I promise you that it's not.

The key to this method is that you don't need to spend hours and hours coming up with new concepts and ideas. In fact it revolves around duplicating the successful methods developed by others. I don't of course mean copying content or breach of copyright. I mean duplicating strategies.

The first thing to do is to go to an online marketplace called which is a website that other webmasters use to auction off and sell their existing sites. There's loads of websites for sale on here ranging from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. Have a look through the sites that are listed for sale and find one that produces a reasonable income that's not overly complex. A blog or content site would be great.

Look at the site and establish what niche it's in, what the monthly income is and the methods used to monetise the site (i.e. adsense, affiliate offers and so on and so forth). Establish how many pages the site contains, what the monthly traffic is and review the methods that the site owner used to promote their site. Consider whether this is a site that you have the knowledge to recreate (disclaimer: by recreate I don't mean copy, I mean create a similar, unique and independent website). If the answer to this is no then repeat and find another site.

The next thing that you need to do is to go to a site called and use this find the top keywords that are driving organic (search engine) traffic to the site. You then need to establish how many backlinks the site has and where these are coming from. You can do this using a free tool called Yahoo Site Explorer.

And that's it, you're done. You have found a successful site and identified a profitable niche bringing in a good income that you can recreate. You know how much traffic is created, the methods used to generate traffic and the top keywords to focus on. You know how much content is needed to rank well in the search engines and how many backlinks you will require. Duplicate the methods and strageties used by the existing owner and with time you will build up to the same income. Rinse and repeat to build up multiple streams of online income.

Anyway, this method works. Give it a try and I promise that you will be stunned by the results. So what are you waiting for? - 16069

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