Friday, January 2, 2009

Renewable Energy : Will the UK's Windfarm Hype Become Reality?

By Tal Potishman

The United Kingdom's government pledged to lower the UK's carbon emissions by eighty percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. Recently, however, UK public has begun to wonder if the government is as dedicated to the cause as they claim to be.

A recent article published by claims that BP, a large British energy company, has announced that it will be refocusing its wind power projects in the United States while shutting down the wind power projects in Turkey, India, China and here in the UK. The article also claims that the UK will use wind power for thirty percent of the country's electricity supply. One has to wonder why BP is pulling out of the UK if the government is truly dedicated to exploring the options offered by wind power and other green technologies.

The Guardian website included an article that touted Great Britain as one of the world's premier locations for the development of wind technology. Great Britain's wind technology popularity comes from its long coastline and the winds that have become famous around the globe.

The article goes on to say that a Vattenfall and Iberdola Renovables new partnership will lead to a new United Kingdom-based windfarm. The building of this windfarm is estimated at 780m pounds and energy output is expected to be 300MW. Is this windfarm allowed because BP has refocused its attention? Why is private enterprise taking over an industry that the government claims to be invested in using?

Still more criticism accompanies the complicated planning rules and the amount of money that it will take to construct all of the wind farms that the UK will need to build if the government truly wants to dedicate a third of its energy consumption to energy produced by wind farms. An independent entity, The Carbon Trust, has estimated that in order to speed up the process to move to renewable energy, about sixteen billion pounds will need to be cut from the originally proposed budget. An article by points out that by the 2020 target originally quoted by the UK government, only a quarter of the offshore wind farms Britain needs will have actually been built.

UK residents understand that the future of energy production lies with renewable energy and not the existing power grid. Renewable energy is more cost effective and is better for the environment than the current system. Still, with so many roadblocks in the way, each one of us should be wondering just how serious the UK government's commitment to renewable energy is. If it is truly committed why is the project slowing down and losing money? What is getting in the way of the 2020 goal? - 16069

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