Friday, January 2, 2009

Your four Wheelers ATV

By Ferdinand Mekinsy

When you buy your first four-wheeler, there are some priorities that make a big difference to you. If it is style and look, you get to know what your friends have and perhaps buy that so you will be riding an ATV that is "cool". But for many who are going to make the investment in a quality four-wheeler can be summed up in one statement. "I want the toughest four-wheeler there is."

The 4-wheeler should also be built to operate at a much reduced power and challenge level. This means the child's ATV or even the teenagers version of the four-wheeler will not be so powerful that they youngster could lose control of the vehicle easily leading to a nasty accident. But the most important thing your child needs when he or she is learning to operate an ATV is teaching. Under no conditions should he or she take that ATV into unknown territory or difficult terrain. Driving around a vacant lot in the neighborhood is plenty. Then as you teach your child how to operate that machine, you can slowly increase the challenge as the common sense of how to drive a four-wheeler responsibly starts to become evident in the way your son or daughter drives their very own ATV.

The two important criteria of an ATV cover you will be using for many wilderness outings is durability and transportability. That cover must compact down to a fairly small space so you can store it in a side pouch on your ATV in a way that does not take much space away from camping gear. But most importantly, it has to be tough. Camping excursions are roughing it experiences for man and gear. So invest well in a quality four-wheeler cover for your hunting, fishing or camping outings and it will take good care of you for dozens of adventures in your future.

It will be expensive to purchase high quality tires for that ATV especially if you take our advice and keep a second set on hand at all times. But considering what you are asking those tires to do, its worth it to invest in the best tires you can get so that when you are out there in the wilderness with your ATV, there is no question that those tires can take care of you.

But one priority that is common to the working man's ATV and to the recreational four-wheeler has always been a top priority to Honda and that is safety. Even if you are out to have the adventure of a lifetime going off road with nothing else in mind than having fun, safety is a priority. Honda knew that even if the customer was not thinking about safety, that ATV had to have safety built into ever aspect of the vehicle. That is why Honda ATVs have a tremendous record of safe operations in a wide variety of sport and utility uses. - 16069

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