Friday, January 2, 2009

Domestic Helper USA Visa: What You Need to Remember

By Alice Sy

Many people who intend to stay in the U.S. would also want to bring along their domestic helper. USA Visa approval for the private helper is therefore required in this case. If you have a domestic helper whom you plan to travel with you, you need to be familiar with the efficient ways in securing a visa for him or her.

A non-immigrant type of visa needs to be acquired by an interested domestic helper. This is because domestic helpers should not be planning to migrate to the U.S. It is only because of the work contract that they are applying for a visa. Thus, a duly signed working contract must already be in order at this point.

Before travel can be made possible for your domestic helper, USA Visa grant must first be taken care of. Without completion of all the requirements as well as an appointment for an interview at the embassy, your helper won't be able to travel with you.

If you are intending to acquire a visa as a personal employee, you need first of all, to pay the necessary application fee, which is basically non-refundable. The fee varies depending on your country of residency. However, the fee can be valid for use anytime within one year of the date of issuance.

On the Internet, an electronic application form can be accessed by anyone applying for a visa, including a domestic helper. USA Visa won't be made available to an applicant who commits lapses in submitting the requirements. This includes a completed application form complete with latest photo.

Since most home helpers applying for a U.S. visa will be traveling with their employers to America, the employer must be able to present an employment contract for the visa interview. The contract must be signed by both parties- employee and employer- and needs to follow the labor rules prevalent in the U.S.

It is also highly important for the domestic helper to present a proof of residence or home ownership in his or her home country which is not intended for abandonment. Intention of overstaying is not allowed for a domestic helper. USA Visa approval in this case can be put to risk.

Last but not least, it is also often important for the domestic helper to be employed already for at least a year before applying for an American visa. Nonetheless, as long as the requirements are judiciously followed by the domestic helper, USA Visa approval will no doubt be a guarantee. - 16069

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