Saturday, January 3, 2009

Understanding The Very Basics Of First Timers Photography

By Simon Stimson

Contrary to what many will have you believe learning beginners tips and tricks in photography just isn't that hard. There are of course differences between the old film cameras and the new Digital cameras which you will need to be aware of.

You can enjoy digital photography for beginners if you are aware and take advantage of these differences. Digital photography for beginners can be mastered by anyone.

Freedom to take as many pictures as you like

With the digital format we are now hardly limited at all when it comes to the number of photos we can take. Never again will you have to pay for a whole load of prints that you didn't even want.

It is a good idea though to make sure you keep your photo collection tidy by removing or editing those photos that just don't quite cut it or are too much the same. This really is essential since otherwise you will probably never find your good photos.

Saving on Storage Space

One of the great things about the digital format is its flexibility, you can easily resave digital images in lower resolutions and more. Lowering image resolution is a great way to save on storage space.

If you have plans to have large prints of your photos done, you will probably want to keep the images in a high resolution format. However if the pictures are destined to be viewed on screen then in virtually all cases a low resolution will be fine.

You can also increase the compression the camera uses for your images. Your images will take up less room in the storage space when you compress the pictures.

If there is one thing modern Day cameras are normally short of its memory space, so you really should increase it as soon as possible. If you have any experience with the old film cameras I'm sure you know what it's like to run out of space for photos just when you were poised to take your best ever photo.

The dreaded battery issue

Your camera's batteries are so important for using your digital camera. The first thing that will probably go wrong is a battery that has run out of juice.

Save on your batteries by turning off the LCD display when it is not in use. You can also turn off the flash and continuous auto focus to reduce these items from using up your batteries.

Having spare batteries with you at all times is very important, whether you're camera has its own special power pack or it takes rechargeable batteries, make sure you have several spares with you.

No matter how much of an amateur you are, with a little education and practice you should have no problem in mastering your camera. There's no reason why you can't come up with pictures you are proud of.

You will learn that it is easy to go from digital photography for beginners to the next level of photography, as you get more comfortable with your digital camera. - 16069

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